New positions in GB

Dos nuevos puestos de trabajo en Gran Bretaña, los dos en Londres... No tienen mala pinta, especialmente el de Great Ormond.

...Eso sí, tienes que ser un neurofisiólogo "entusiasta"...

We are seeking an enthusiastic Clinical neurophysiologist to join the dynamic and forward thinking team based at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Applications are invited for a 10 PA (8 PAs + 2 SPAs) Consultant Neurophysiologist post. The post will supplement the existing Paediatric Clinical Neurophysiology team of Consultant Neurophysiologists, Clinical Physiologists, and Engineers.

Responsibilities of the post will be focused in three main areas.

Telemetry: Responsibilities for the planning, reporting and presentation of neurophysiological investigations of patients undergoing telemetry, sharing the work with three other consultants. This will cover selection of cases, in collaboration with neurological colleagues, planning of investigation, and reporting of investigations. This responsibility will also extend to the planning, supervision and reporting of ECoGs and invasive monitoring. 

Routine department: Responsibility one week in three for all aspects of routine EEGs and evoked potentials including external referrals. 

Teaching and training of junior staff: The Department has a large number of visiting fellows and SPR’s rotating through the Department. The Clinical Neurophysiology Department is led by Dr Matthew Pitt and consists of 4 WTE Consultant Neurophysiologists, and 10.5 Clinical Physiologists and 2 WTE medical engineers.

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust invites applications for the post of 6 PA Consultant Clinical Neurophysiologist based at St Mary’s Hospital. The Trust has an excellent reputation for delivering high quality patient care and is nationally accredited at the highest levels in many areas, in particular those relating to clinical outcomes and patient safety.

The Neurophysiology department is integral to the Directorate of Neurosciences and Stroke within the Division of Medicine. There are strong referral and clinical links with Neurology, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics and Paediatrics. 

As a Consultant Neurophysiologist, you will be responsible for the provision of high quality diagnostics to inpatients and outpatients at St Mary’s Hospital, with regular collaboration with your Neurophysiology colleagues on the Charing Cross site. You will be expected to participate in regular clinical meetings between service users, the Consultant Neurophysiologist body and Clinical Physiologists for case review and audit.
